Wedding Photography in Hampshire UK

Wedding and Portrait Photography in Portsmouth, Gosport, Fareham and Southampton UK.

Friday, 22 December 2006

How To Make Money With Photography

: Kathy Burns-Millyard

There are many ways to make money online with photography, but a popular and fairly new way is through Micro Stock Photography websites.
Micro stock photography is simply stock photography that's sold at deep discounts. Clients are able to license stock photos for just $1 or $2, and photographers earn money each time a client chooses one of their photos.
Micro stock photography is considered to be still in it's infancy, and some people feel it's wrong to sell photography at such low prices. Particularly since many professional photographers invest a lot of time and money on equipment, learning, and photo shoots.
For the beginning photographer though, micro stock photography agencies can be ideal places to start. Since entry requirements are not overly restrictive, many hobby photographers with inexpensive cameras have already started making a nice second income from their pictures.
How Does It Work?
The process of making money from your photography through micro stock agencies is fairly simple.
1. Research popular micro stock photography agencies online. There are quite a few of them, but you'll want to start with just one or two until you get the hang of things.
2. Choose your absolute best pictures to submit. Some agencies require you to submit 10 pictures for review when you apply for an account with them, while others only require three the first time. Most don't have minimum requirements though, and you can start by submitting just one.
3. Your pictures will be reviewed by humans, and accepted or rejected into the micro stock photography site. If they're accepted, they'll be available for clients to "buy".
Technically they're not fully buying your pictures though. They're simply licensing the pictures for specific use. Usually micro stock photography is used in websites, though sometimes it's used in advertisements, brochures and other marketing materials. The photographer always retains full copyrights to their photos though, and is normally able to sell the same photos over and over again to additional clients.
And this is the beauty of stock photography. Once you've taken a great picture and had it accepted into a stock photography portfolio, that one picture can continue earning you money month after month... sometimes year after year.
Most micro stock photography agencies pay $0.20 - $0.50 per picture license, or download. This may not seem like much, however a good photographer with several hundred pictures for sale could make a nice second income over time, because it all adds up!
There's a lot more to the stock photography business, which we don't have room to cover in just one article. You'll find expanded details about making money with stock photography in this article though: "Can Photographers Make Money With Stock Photography?" found at:
2006, Kathy Burns-Millyard. is a new, free online guide to Royalty Free Stock Photography. New articles are being added frequently so please visit, bookmark and enjoy.

Thursday, 21 December 2006

Digital Photography Allows YOU To Do Pro-Quality Work

: Michael Rohrer
Is there any reason that YOU cannot take professional quality photographs? Not any more. We are in the digital age and for photographers (by the way, thats you) this is good news! You do not need a lab full of darkness and chemicals to set up a darkroom digital allows you to take control of every step of your photography from shooting, to loading on your computer, to editing and printing your images all from your desk (or the kitchen table, if you so desire).
You can do it all! Rather than be amazed at what the pros can do be amazed at what YOU can do! Digital photography allows YOU to do what, formerly, was reserved for the pros: remove red eye remove shadows crop unwanted objects crop for close ups clone out undesirables change an image to black & white or sepia adjust the background make a collage of special images
And this is just the beginning. You can do a tummy tuck and never leave the house You can melt away years with a clickety-click You can wave goodbye to wrinkles
Of course, there is much more you can do in editing your images, but you get the point. Another digital photography beauty is the ability to shoot your people or events and view them ON THE SPOT! This can be done either through your digital cameras viewfinder or by loading onto your computer. When you are shooting special events in your life this is a real plus. Getting developed rolls of film back from a reunion or vacation is heartbreaking if something went wrong (and even someone having their eyes closed, if it is during a wedding portrait, is something wrong).
Practice makes perfect! If you believe this AT ALL, you can better understand why digital photography can help you learn to do great photography. Watch someone taking photographs with a medium format camera. At $$ per pop, notice how careful they are as to what they shoot, and how often. With digital you have no such limitations. You can shoot 300 pictures of sunsets, waterfalls, wildlife, wedding photos or your grandkids, and it is not a pain in the billfold.
This does not mean go out and shotgun blast everything you see. You still want to keep in mind the need to have a reason (theme) for taking a photography - think about how to focus attention on it, removing what distracts from your theme, and adding whatever attracts or highlights your theme, to make it a great photograph. However if you subscribe to practice makes perfect I hope you also agree with the guide repetition for emphasis.When you learn ONE thing in the field of photography, digital allows you to put it into application immediately and without limit.
Digital cameras are becoming even more affordable for the average shutterbug. You can purchase a quality point and shoot digital camera or a pro-sumer DSLR and neither will require a home loan. Yes, digital photography is not only the wave of the future it is a wonderful way for you to enjoy one of the truly great hobbies and for some a very rewarding career!
For more information on digital photography and other related photography subjects you may want to read the article: This article authored by:

Digital Photo Development - How Do I Print My Digital Photos Online?

If you are looking to develop your digital photos, you will see how convenient it can be to have them processed online. It can be very time consuming to download all of your digital pictures onto your computer, then edit the pictures online, burn them onto a disk and drive to your local photo store to have them printed. Oftentimes, once you get into the store to print your pictures, you still have to get on a computer and spend a few minutes printing them.
Digital cameras are becoming more and more popular. The quality of digital pictures is excellent nowadays. Since it looks like digital cameras are here to stay, its important to find a convenient way to get your pictures developed.
Now, you can get online and upload your digital pictures, edit them to your liking and pay for them all at once. The photo developing company will send you the photos in the mail. Its very convenient. Its definitely worth saving yourself a trip to the photo developing store.
To compare digital photo development companies online:
Compare the cost per picture - Make sure to figure the shipping cost into your cost comparison.Find out how long the company will take to ship the photos to you.Do they have any incentives for first time buyers?
Try developing your pictures online. It is easy and most websites are user friendly. You will be glad you are taking your photos with a digital camera.
See our recommended sources for photo printing and photography below. KMBfoto dot com is the home of the best wedding photograper in the state of Utah and most likely the whole United States.
PrintYourDigitalPhotos dot com is a great source for reviews that will help when deciding who to use for your digital phot printing needs.
Greg Haehl

Tuesday, 19 December 2006

How to Photograph Christmas Lights

Here's a neat little lighting exercise that has nothing to do with off-camera flash. When we talk about balancing light around here, it usually means balancing ambient with flash. But getting a good photo of holiday lights involves a different kind of light balancing: Continuous ambient with fading ambient. You don't need a high-end camera for great results. You can use a very inexpensive digital camera and do just fine. You don't even need flash. It all comes down to what time of the day you shoot. And a couple of other little tricks.Photo by Troy McCullough (see a larger version)The problem with 98% of the photos of Christmas lights is that most people wait until way too late to start shooting. After it gets completely dark, you can either have the lights or the surroundings properly exposed. But not both.Conversely, if you were to shoot the lights in the middle of the day, they would not show up at all. The trick is find the sweet spot (actually there is a whole range of sweet spots) where the ambient light and the Christmas lights balance.Photo by David Hobby, Baltimore SunUnderstanding this will ensure that your photos are way better than those of your neighbors. After all, isn't that what Christmas lights are really about?How to Do It:1. Arrive early. The best time to shoot is before it gets totally dark. Arriving around sunset will give you time to plan your shot before the good light happens. You may have to ask your subject to turn the lights on early - most people don't flip them on until the good light is already gone.2. Compose your photo in such a way as to include as much sky as possible in the background. Shooting from a low position can help. Even better: If you have your choice of shooting direction, shoot into the afterglow of the evening sky.3. Once you get your picture framed, set your camera's white balance for "tungsten," as if you were shooting indoors without flash. All of those little lights are tungsten balanced. As a bonus, the tungsten setting will turn your afterglow sky royal blue once your light balances out. The sky will look great - even if it is a cloudy evening. And your lights will gleam crystal white. Or whatever color they are supposed to be.4. A light (or reflective) foreground, like snow, or a puddle (or the roof of a car) can give nice foreground interest. See what you can find.5. Use a tripod or a beanbag to steady your camera. You'll be shooting in the range of a quarter second to a full second at twilight. If shooting with a phone or PDA, use both hands to brace the phone against something solid. 6. Now, wait for the light to happen.Shoot a test shot every minute or so. At first, you'll be exposing for the sky and the lights will appear unimpressive. Check the back of your camera after each shot to watch the Christmas lights appear to "come up" as the ambient light level goes down. (Aren't digital camera great?) Your eye is constantly adjusting to compensate for the dropping light levels, but the changes will be happening nonetheless.Photo by Michael DeHaanSomewhere in between sunset and full dark, the Christmas lights and the ambient light will start to mix beautifully. You'll have about a 10-minute window which will give you a nice series of subtly different lighting variations. Remembering to keep your camera as still as possible, shooting lots of frames through the mix light. Ones and zeros are free, so don't be stingy. You do not have much time. You can delete the duds (or blurred photos) later.Incidentally, this time of day is when the architectural photographers make the big bucks. And they are smart enough to tell everyone in their subject building to leave the lights on that night, too.Your light will fade very quickly. You will know it is gone when your photos start looking like the "bad light" photos you used to take. Now, put your camera away. You still have a few minutes to enjoy the scene with your eyes. The human eye has the remarkable ability to compress a large dynamic range into a scene your brain can process. Just relax, soak it in and think about all of the shopping you have left to do.This is one of the few times that both shooting pictures and enjoying the moment do not conflict with each other.If you get a great shot, there are groups on Flickr dedicated to Christmas lights. Show everyone your best stuff.::
by David,

Starting a Home Business In Photography

A home photography business doesnt necessarily require formal photography training. What it does require is a passion for photographic art, an artistic flair, the technical skills to operate the equipment and the ability to market the business.
Someone who is still in high school or college can start out preparing for a home photography business by taking photos for the yearbook or the student newspaper. A basic photography course would be very helpful as well. Nowadays its good to know how to operate both a 33 mm and a digital camera. Local community colleges often have very reasonably priced community education courses, many that involve just one class in the evening or on the weekend. Colleges that offer Lifelong Learning Centers for folks 50+ have courses as well, and some of these are taught by very experienced retired home photography business professionals and little or no cost.
There are many types of photography and the home photography business entrepreneur may want to specialize, perhaps in photography for news organizations such as the local daily or weekly paper, in advertising photography for local magazines and local firms that need to market their products. One of the most common forms of home photography business is for events and celebrations such as weddings, bar mitzvahs, anniversaries, and other events. These can be especially lucrative as repeat business and excellent multiple referrals.
Travel photographers have exciting home photography business lives, although it takes a lot of skill and a lot of travel expense and practice photography before that first paid vacation is finely paid for.
Some folks create a home photography business working as photojournalists or specializing in medical or science photographers. While quite lucrative, these almost require a four year degree with extensive photography and communication training. A college photography internship is a wonderful foot in the door for a home photography business as well.
A portfolio is a must for building clientele for a home photography business. This means taking lots and lots of unpaid photo shots to show off exceptional talent to potential clients.
Helpful ways to learn the ins and outs of home photography and a home photography business are by working as an assistant to a photographer, by joining associations and organizations of fellow photographers and by attending seminars and workshops on home business and photography.
There are also much cheaper ways to learn them directly from your home by downloading eCourses from the web.
Enjoy the Freedom of Running a Profitable Home Photography Business:Click here to Discover How!Photography Home Business @ Internet-Marketing-Springboard.comVita Vee

Thursday, 14 December 2006

Black And White Digital Photography


There are several ways to achieve black and white digital photography. With black and white digital photography, you are bringing the end user back into a period of time when life seemed a lot simpler. Many digital cameras come equipped with a function to take these types of photos. If your digital camera does not support this function, you can still change your photographs into black and white with software programs.
Youll want your black and white digital photography to look its best when you are finished. A technique that can help you get the best image out of your digital photograph is through image manipulation. You may find it better to convert your eight-bit color images (which are usually jpegs) into 16-bit colors first. This is important because an 8-bit RGB can be the same as a 10-bit grayscale.
You can find information all over on the Internet to help you with your black and white digital photography. These resources can be found in everything from websites to magazines. Colored pictures can look truly beautiful as a black and white display. You will usually have to convert your graphics, because although there are options with digital cameras, there are no true black and white digital cameras.
Correct the Colorcasts
An important part of black and white digital photography is correcting the colorcasts. These are caused by bad lighting, but you can use software such as PhotoShop Elements to make the relevant changes by using their editing applications. The Imaging Factory is also software that can help you to easily convert and fix lighting areas in your graphics to get the best look with your black and white digital photography. If you want to turn your graphics into black and white digital photography, you can step into a completely new dimension in photography. You can do an endless array of projects right from your own computer.
Geri Stone publishes information about all types of photography at Discover Photography

Friday, 8 December 2006

What Do You Know About Editing Your Digital Photographs?

Gone are the days when cropping a photo or touching one up could only be done only by experts at special labs. You can now do such editing work can in the comfort of your home on your computer.
Digital cameras also have some basic editing functions that allow you to do some simple editing tasks right on the camera. Many photographers have cropped photos like this, eliminated red eye or rotated an image from landscape to portrait. Know what functions your camera offers before you buy it.
If the features your camera offers arent what you need, Adobe Photoshop Elements and Corel Paint Shop Pro 9 offer easy-to-use, powerful tools. Both are available for about $100. Most editing tasks can be done with the help of these programs as they offer plenty of advanced features such as ability to monitor contrast, brightness and color saturation, sharpness.
Besides being an interesting process, photo editing also provides many creative opportunities to the photographer using digital photography equipment. It depends on the photographer to choose the program that he wants depending what are his editing needs for digital photography.
Gone are the days when cropping a photo or touching one up could only be done only by experts at special labs. You can now do such editing work can in the comfort of your home on your computer.
Digital cameras also have some basic editing functions that allow you to do some simple editing tasks right on the camera. Many photographers have cropped photos like this, eliminated red eye or rotated an image from landscape to portrait. Know what functions your camera offers before you buy it.
If the features your camera offers arent what you need, Adobe Photoshop Elements and Corel Paint Shop Pro 9 offer easy-to-use, powerful tools. Both are available for about $100. Most editing tasks can be done with the help of these programs as they offer plenty of advanced features such as ability to monitor contrast, brightness and color saturation, sharpness.
Besides being an interesting process, photo editing also provides many creative opportunities to the photographer using digital photography equipment. It depends on the photographer to choose the program that he wants depending what are his editing needs for digital photography.

Thursday, 7 December 2006

Wedding Photography Secrets: Tips For Taking The Best Wedding Day Photos Possible

By: J Finney

Its your weddingone of the most beautiful days in your life. How else can you make the perfect occasion last? Capture the momentous event with great wedding photographs. Read this guide to make sure you choose the right wedding photography service for your big day.
The first thing to do is to give the most opportunities for the photographer when scheduling activities during the wedding day. When planning the time of the wedding ceremony and of the reception, couples should incorporate the time that the photographer requires to capture all of the couples special moments. There should be a gap between the end of the ceremony and beginning of the reception, to allow for more photographs for the bride, groom and wedding entourage, especially if they are in two different locations. The photographers and subjects will have a more relaxed shoot and will enjoy all the parts of the wedding if the events are well spaced out.
Next, think of important factors when selecting a wedding photographer. The photographer should be able to show more than one complete set of wedding photos. Couples should not accept someone who shows only selected prints of their best photographs from different weddings. Ideally, all photographs from 3 to 4 complete wedding sets that are at least satisfactory should be a criterion of a professional wedding photographer.
It is also good to have a photographer that gives a package with unlimited coverage for the whole day. Again, this way, photography will not be rushed.
Next, try to be aware of photography companies or individuals that contract out jobs to a pool of wedding photographers or even freelancers. Salespersons often pose as actual photographers and try to woo customers. Make sure companies deal openly, and ask them to show 3 to 4 complete weddings from each of the photographers they offer you, so you can choose. Make sure the one chosen is the one that will cover your wedding. Otherwise, it is better to find a photographer that personally shoots weddings. A two-person team is an even better package because two points of view of the wedding can be taken.
Some photographers only offer the traditional wedding photography style, or strictly a photojournalistic style. It is best to find a versatile photographer that can do both.
Lastly, couples should take note of some important questions to ask a prospective wedding photographer:
Are colored and black and whites included, or would he charge extra for B/W? Dramatic effects can be made with black and white photographs, so ask if this is a premium.
Are hand and digital coloring or digital color separation included in the package or would he charge extra for these? Better pictures are developed when the photograph colors are separated first, improved, and then printed.
What kinds of cameras does he use? Does he use medium format equipment and have a back up? Does have a "leaf" shutter or "focal plane"?
What lenses does he use? Does he use only one, or will he change lenses? Make him show you photo effects that he is able to achieve with different lenses and choose the ones which you like to appear with your photographs.
Is he willing to customize a package that is within your budget?
Asking intelligent questions will encourage photographers to deal openly with customers. Remember, its your special day, and you should make sure that the wedding photography is something that will help you and your loved ones relive those wonderful memories.Download our excellent discount wedding planning mini-course absolutely FREE at

Tuesday, 5 December 2006

Aren’t You Glad You Use a Digital Camera?

Michael Rohrer

Lets consider just a couple of the many, many advantages:
Editing Images. Have it your way! With the software that comes with most digital cameras you download your images - view them - delete ones you do not want to keep (without paying for them) - and do a myriad of things with the rest: eliminate red eye clone out anything you do not want crop to any desired size zoom in to see whether the image will tolerate enlargement remove shadows change to black & white or sepia - sharpen the image. The list goes on and on and with basic software, these are the things ANYONE can do. With experience you can do many, many more truly awesome things with digital!
Having film developed used to be like the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.You paid for the developing whether they were good, bad or ugly. NOT WITH DIGITAL! You take you load you view you decide and THEN you pay, and only for the ones you want. Aint digital grand?
Camera to Computer to Printer OR Camera to Printer. You choose! If you so desire, you can take pictures and plug them right into your printer and ker-plunk! Out come your photographs at whatever sizes your printer prints.
Hey, what happened to the downtown photo lab? Ah, who needs it? I went digital!
Portable printers are available and quite popular that allow you to print your pictures while on vacation visiting relatives at special functions anywhere you have a 110 outlet. Thats not unbelievable thats digital!
1 2 4 even 8 gig memory cards. Thats not hundreds of pictures per card which is great in itself. Thats thousands of pictures! Thousands! And they take up no room at all. With an extra card in your pocket you are covered. You cannot take this many pictures even in Denali National Park! (I know; I tried). (Also, if you have a CF or SD card, you can load photos onto your pda)
A Viewfinder. Have a look Take a peek Check it out! Whatever you want to call it you are looking at the picture that you just took. It doesnt get any better than that! If you do not like what you see retake it on the spot.
They Exist On Your Computer. You took your pictures with the touch of a (shutter) button. It doesnt take much more than that to email these images to family and friends all over the country all over the world. If you have a website, it gets even easier. I know, I know, through rain, sleet or snow, the mail will always get through. But NOT in 60 seconds or less!
I could go on about the convenience, the affordability, the video capability (on some models) but you get the picture the digital picture, that is! Going digital can change your whole life for the better, but thats all. [Did I mention that I like digital?] Dont take my word for it get yours and then dont leave home without it!
For more information on digital camera and related subjects you may want to read the article:
This article authored by: You-Can-Do-Great-Photography.comThis article was authored by

Monday, 4 December 2006

Do you have a passion for:- people photography?

By Len Hutton.

Well, I’m sure you have a passion for photography and that’s why you are reading this article.

If you enjoy photographing events and love to take pictures of people have you ever considered photography as a career or even just a means to making some money on the side to pay for your hobby?

Probably the hardest part is getting started. These days it’s probably easier than it has ever been to get into photography as a profession. What with the introduction of digital wedding photography, taking photographs has become a lot easier, sorting and presenting the photographs is also much cheaper and can be made to look a lot more professional, as you don’t have to print any photographs that you are not going to sell, and all your presentation can be done as a CD slide show.
Probably the best way to start is to take portraits to get a bit of experience, why not try a bit of event photography to help you to get used to working fast.

Digital wedding photography tips...
Certainly don’t try any digital wedding photography until you feel pretty confident.
Try to get some experience of wedding photography by offering to go out with a professional wedding photographer for a few occasions. Offer him the opportunity to use any photographs that you may take as a thank you for the experience.
If you can get proficient at digital wedding photography you will always be able to earn a bit of extra money. (As there are always more weddings on a Saturday than there will ever be enough wedding photographers to cover them.)

Most good wedding photographers love doing weddings and that’s what probably makes them good. However, some very good portrait and general photographers start to go grey just thinking they may have to do a wedding.

A word of warning!
If you find it hard to talk to people, leave wedding photography well alone.

For more information on digital wedding photography tips and other photography subjects

Click Here

Wedding Photographer

By: George Meszaros

Hiring the right photographer is among the most important tasks you have while planning your wedding. Many photographers specialize in weddings. Of course, you may end up with a photographer that has no wedding experience, but has a much more affordable price. It is essential that you view the photographers previous work. Ask to see all the photos from a few recent weddings.
It is important to view most photographs from a wedding to get a feel for what kind of photographs to expect. It is easy to show you a few very nice photos, but it doesnt tell you what the majority of the pictures will look like. Always ask for references and be sure to actually check the references. If the photographer is hesitant to provide you with references, it is time to walk.
If your photographer is unfamiliar with your wedding ceremony and reception location, make sure he familiarizes himself with the place. You want him to be ready with great ideas about the best possible shots of the place. You want your wedding album to be filled with pictures that make you proud of your wedding day. Therefore, it is imperative that you find a photographer you feel comfortable with.
Dont settle on hiring the first photographer you interview. Plan on speaking with several of them before you make a decision. Take recommendations from friends and family, but dont automatically hire a photographer simply because someone recommended him to you. Bridal fairs, professional wedding professional associations, wedding planners are great resources for finding photographers.
Wedding photography is one of the most expensive service professional youll hire for your wedding. Make sure you set enough time to take pictures, so he is not rushed.
The majority of wedding photographers get much of their business by brides recommending them and the ones that don't get word of mouth referrals are soon out of business.
George Meszaros with

Sunday, 3 December 2006

Starting a Home Business In Photography

A home photography business doesnt necessarily require formal photography training. What it does require is a passion for photographic art, an artistic flair, the technical skills to operate the equipment and the ability to market the business.
Someone who is still in high school or college can start out preparing for a home photography business by taking photos for the yearbook or the student newspaper. A basic photography course would be very helpful as well. Nowadays its good to know how to operate both a 33 mm and a digital camera. Local community colleges often have very reasonably priced community education courses, many that involve just one class in the evening or on the weekend. Colleges that offer Lifelong Learning Centers for folks 50+ have courses as well, and some of these are taught by very experienced retired home photography business professionals and little or no cost.
There are many types of photography and the home photography business entrepreneur may want to specialize, perhaps in photography for news organizations such as the local daily or weekly paper, in advertising photography for local magazines and local firms that need to market their products. One of the most common forms of home photography business is for events and celebrations such as weddings, bar mitzvahs, anniversaries, and other events. These can be especially lucrative as repeat business and excellent multiple referrals.
Travel photographers have exciting home photography business lives, although it takes a lot of skill and a lot of travel expense and practice photography before that first paid vacation is finely paid for.
Some folks create a home photography business working as photojournalists or specializing in medical or science photographers. While quite lucrative, these almost require a four year degree with extensive photography and communication training. A college photography internship is a wonderful foot in the door for a home photography business as well.
A portfolio is a must for building clientele for a home photography business. This means taking lots and lots of unpaid photo shots to show off exceptional talent to potential clients.
Helpful ways to learn the ins and outs of home photography and a home photography business are by working as an assistant to a photographer, by joining associations and organizations of fellow photographers and by attending seminars and workshops on home business and photography.
There are also much cheaper ways to learn them directly from your home by downloading eCourses from the web.
Enjoy the Freedom of Running a Profitable Home Photography Business:
Click here to Discover How!
Photography Home Business @

By: Vita Vee

Friday, 1 December 2006

5 Tips To Help You Master Digital Photography

Have you already mastered the art of taking photos without red-eye syndrome? Are there some pictures that you know you should have turned out a lot better than they did? It happens to all of us even the expert photographers.
Here are five tips to help you move from beginner to master of digital photography, whether youre using your cell phone or a point-and-shoot camera to snap shots.
Compose Carefully
One of the most basic digital photography tips is to pay attention to whats in the frame of the viewfinder. Fill the frame. Nothing but blue sky, for instance, behind a single subject throws off the proportions of the photo and decreases interest. You can also turn the camera sideways to see if a vertical photo might have more impact than a horizontal shot of the same subject.
You can also try positioning your subject off to the side, rather than in the center of the photograph.
Take Great Close up Photos
Your digital camera has a macro mode think of it as a super magnifying glass. An extreme close up of something like flower petals can bring out textures that you never knew existed, and will add excitement to your photos. Play with this feature, you will find dozens of ways to use it to enhance your pictures.
Buy a Tripod
Digital cameras are prone to blurry photographs if your hands shake even a little bit. Several companies manufacture light, portable, inexpensive versions. Digital photography tips like this can save you hours of frustration and preserve otherwise perfect shots.
Get Active
Take your shot from the top of a teeter-totter, off the side of the boat, or standing on your head. Thinking outside the box can really pay off in unexpected ways. You will truly get once in a lifetime shots by adding a bit of creativity to your thinking.
Take a Class
Are you still hungry for digital photography tips? Theres nothing like practice to improve your photography except practice plus experience gained by learning from a pro. You can find photography classes online, at your local recreation centers, and community colleges.
Becoming an expert at digital photography takes time; you wont become a professional photographer in your first week. Just keep trying new methods each time you use your camera, and before long, your friends and family will be admiring your newfound skills.
Gerri Stone publishes photography tips for beginners, and information for all types of photographers at
By: J.P.Lee

Thursday, 30 November 2006

Should I Make The Switch To Digital Photography

Digital photography has taken the world by storm as consumers are finding digital cameras much more convenient than the old-fashioned film cameras. Digital technology is progressing rapidly; continued innovations in digital photography are likely for years to come. Lets consider the advantages of digital photography.
The biggest advantage of digital photography is that the viewfinder enables you to see the photo youve just clicked. You can easily erase the photo and try again until you get the result you desire.
Printing your shots is just as fast and easy. Simply connect your camera to a photo printer and press the button. Prices for these printers continue to drop as the quality improves.
Digital photographs are easy to edit. You can delete certain sections or adjust the brightness of a photo. And this is just scratching the surface of what digital cameras will let you do.
You can easily transfer your digital photos to coffee mugs, greeting cards, t-shirts, calendars and many more things. Youre only limited by your imagination.
Perhaps the greatest advantage of digital photography is that you can easily send photos to friends and relatives anywhere on earth.
Technology is changing fast. Are you?
Digital photography has taken the world by storm as consumers are finding digital cameras much more convenient than the old-fashioned film cameras. Digital technology is progressing rapidly; continued innovations in digital photography are likely for years to come. Lets consider the advantages of digital photography.
The biggest advantage of digital photography is that the viewfinder enables you to see the photo youve just clicked. You can easily erase the photo and try again until you get the result you desire.
Printing your shots is just as fast and easy. Simply connect your camera to a photo printer and press the button. Prices for these printers continue to drop as the quality improves.
Digital photographs are easy to edit. You can delete certain sections or adjust the brightness of a photo. And this is just scratching the surface of what digital cameras will let you do.
You can easily transfer your digital photos to coffee mugs, greeting cards, t-shirts, calendars and many more things. Youre only limited by your imagination.
Perhaps the greatest advantage of digital photography is that you can easily send photos to friends and relatives anywhere on earth.
Technology is changing fast. Are you?

Great Wedding Pictures for Less

The guy has finally popped the question and the big day is almost here. Everything is in place except for hiring someone to take the wedding photos. You want great wedding pictures, but you dont have a lot of money. What can you do to save money and still get great wedding photos? If you go too cheap on your wedding photography it will be obvious. Keep in mind that this is the day you have been waiting for your entire life, and you will want to remember it forever. If you follow a few simple ideas you can still get great wedding photos and save money.
The first thing is to get a professional wedding photographer. There is only one chance to get these pictures right. Becky Jenkins wanted to get the best Athens, Georgia wedding photographer she could find, but her uncle offered to do the pictures for free. He had been dabbling in photography and seemed to take good pictures. When she finally got the pictures back they were either too dark or over exposed. Becky was devastated, but there was nothing she could do at that point. You can cut corners in a lot of areas, but if you go cheap on your photos you have to be very careful. You can find professional wedding photographers with packages in every price range including yours.
A popular trick for getting good candid shots is to place disposable cameras on each table. This is a fun way to get good pictures for cheap, and to get pictures that the wedding photographer would miss. The problem with disposable cameras at weddings is that two or three dozen rolls of film are very expensive to develop. Instead of putting them on the table, maybe just hand them out to select people at the wedding.
Another way to save money is to be selective with what pictures you want. Maybe you are fine with only a few professional pictures being taken at your wedding reception. If you use the disposable cameras as mentioned above you wont need as many professional photographs and this can save you money. Decide early what is most important to you and make sure the wedding photographer gets only those pictures. Quality is better than quantity.
There are so many ways to save money on your wedding and still throw an event that everyone will remember forever. With a little ingenuity you can save thousands and still have a wedding that looks like a million bucks. Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life and when it comes down to it the only thing thats important is that you are marrying the person you love. The author Rhonda Thompson is a professional photographer in the Athens and northeast Georgia area specializing in wedding, family, portrait, and pet photography. You can view her photography at
By: Rhonda Thompson

Wednesday, 29 November 2006

Wedding Photography Secrets: Tips For Taking The Best Wedding Day Photos Possible

Its your weddingone of the most beautiful days in your life. How else can you make the perfect occasion last? Capture the momentous event with great wedding photographs. Read this guide to make sure you choose the right wedding photography service for your big day.
The first thing to do is to give the most opportunities for the photographer when scheduling activities during the wedding day. When planning the time of the wedding ceremony and of the reception, couples should incorporate the time that the photographer requires to capture all of the couples special moments. There should be a gap between the end of the ceremony and beginning of the reception, to allow for more photographs for the bride, groom and wedding entourage, especially if they are in two different locations. The photographers and subjects will have a more relaxed shoot and will enjoy all the parts of the wedding if the events are well spaced out.
Next, think of important factors when selecting a wedding photographer. The photographer should be able to show more than one complete set of wedding photos. Couples should not accept someone who shows only selected prints of their best photographs from different weddings. Ideally, all photographs from 3 to 4 complete wedding sets that are at least satisfactory should be a criterion of a professional wedding photographer.
It is also good to have a photographer that gives a package with unlimited coverage for the whole day. Again, this way, photography will not be rushed.
Next, try to be aware of photography companies or individuals that contract out jobs to a pool of wedding photographers or even freelancers. Salespersons often pose as actual photographers and try to woo customers. Make sure companies deal openly, and ask them to show 3 to 4 complete weddings from each of the photographers they offer you, so you can choose. Make sure the one chosen is the one that will cover your wedding. Otherwise, it is better to find a photographer that personally shoots weddings. A two-person team is an even better package because two points of view of the wedding can be taken.
Some photographers only offer the traditional wedding photography style, or strictly a photojournalistic style. It is best to find a versatile photographer that can do both.
Lastly, couples should take note of some important questions to ask a prospective wedding photographer:
Are colored and black and whites included, or would he charge extra for B/W? Dramatic effects can be made with black and white photographs, so ask if this is a premium.
Are hand and digital coloring or digital color separation included in the package or would he charge extra for these? Better pictures are developed when the photograph colors are separated first, improved, and then printed.
What kinds of cameras does he use? Does he use medium format equipment and have a back up? Does have a "leaf" shutter or "focal plane"?
What lenses does he use? Does he use only one, or will he change lenses? Make him show you photo effects that he is able to achieve with different lenses and choose the ones which you like to appear with your photographs.
Is he willing to customize a package that is within your budget?
Asking intelligent questions will encourage photographers to deal openly with customers. Remember, its your special day, and you should make sure that the wedding photography is something that will help you and your loved ones relive those wonderful memories.Download our excellent discount wedding planning mini-course absolutely FREE at
By: J Finney

Digital Photography Allows YOU To Do Pro-Quality Work

Is there any reason that YOU cannot take professional quality photographs? Not any more. We are in the digital age and for photographers (by the way, thats you) this is good news! You do not need a lab full of darkness and chemicals to set up a darkroom digital allows you to take control of every step of your photography from shooting, to loading on your computer, to editing and printing your images all from your desk (or the kitchen table, if you so desire).
You can do it all! Rather than be amazed at what the pros can do be amazed at what YOU can do! Digital photography allows YOU to do what, formerly, was reserved for the pros: remove red eye remove shadows crop unwanted objects crop for close ups clone out undesirables change an image to black & white or sepia adjust the background make a collage of special images
And this is just the beginning. You can do a tummy tuck and never leave the house You can melt away years with a clickety-click You can wave goodbye to wrinkles
Of course, there is much more you can do in editing your images, but you get the point. Another digital photography beauty is the ability to shoot your people or events and view them ON THE SPOT! This can be done either through your digital cameras viewfinder or by loading onto your computer. When you are shooting special events in your life this is a real plus. Getting developed rolls of film back from a reunion or vacation is heartbreaking if something went wrong (and even someone having their eyes closed, if it is during a wedding portrait, is something wrong).
Practice makes perfect! If you believe this AT ALL, you can better understand why digital photography can help you learn to do great photography. Watch someone taking photographs with a medium format camera. At $$ per pop, notice how careful they are as to what they shoot, and how often. With digital you have no such limitations. You can shoot 300 pictures of sunsets, waterfalls, wildlife, wedding photos or your grandkids, and it is not a pain in the billfold.
This does not mean go out and shotgun blast everything you see. You still want to keep in mind the need to have a reason (theme) for taking a photography - think about how to focus attention on it, removing what distracts from your theme, and adding whatever attracts or highlights your theme, to make it a great photograph. However if you subscribe to practice makes perfect I hope you also agree with the guide repetition for emphasis.When you learn ONE thing in the field of photography, digital allows you to put it into application immediately and without limit.
Digital cameras are becoming even more affordable for the average shutterbug. You can purchase a quality point and shoot digital camera or a pro-sumer DSLR and neither will require a home loan. Yes, digital photography is not only the wave of the future it is a wonderful way for you to enjoy one of the truly great hobbies and for some a very rewarding career!
For more information on digital photography and other related photography subjects you may want to read the article:
This article authored by: You-Can-Do-Great-Photography.comThis article was authored by
By: Michael Rohrer

How To Protect Your Wedding Photographs

By: George Meszaros

Wedding photography is one of the biggest of all wedding expenses. The photos are able to tell the story of your wedding beautifully for decades to come. You want to make sure you do everything you can to preserve one of the most important remembrance of your wedding day. You can take several steps to protect your wedding photos.
Digital photography is the most inexpensive way to prevent loss due to disaster. Once your photos are in digital form, you can easily duplicate them. The digital technology allows for quick backup and restore of your images. It is a technology that is becoming almost inseparable from traditional photography. Burning CDs and DVDs of your images has become quite common, and it should be part of the photography service. If your photographer does not offer digital copies, you should walk.
The paper and ink used are of outmost importance. What your photographs will look like decades after you get married greatly depends on the quality of the paper and ink. Ask to see what kind of guarantees the paper manufacturer provides. Ask your photographer to compare different kind of photo papers available on the market.
Your photo album should contain no acids. That includes the glue, paper, and any other material that is part of the photo album. You can contact the manufacturer of the album to make sure. Acids can cause discoloration over time.
Photo albums should be laid flat on their backs. Standing photo albums can more easily bend. Make sure the wedding album comes with guarantees you read and understand.
High temperatures and humidity are among the worst enemies of a photo album. Most areas you would feel comfortable for extended periods are proper storage locations for your photo album. A hot attic during the summer or a cold and wet garage are great examples of bad storage places.
You have planned your wedding for a long time, and you have spent a lot of money on your photographs. Protect your investment!George Meszaros with

Digital Wedding Photography - Archiving Your Memories

Have you ever imagined to capture all those treasured moments of your wedding ceremony in your own camera, I mean digital camera? Stop imagining, for digital cameras have made way to your wedding party to turn your world around. The quality of photos by digital cameras simply speaks for themselves. And beyond that, with digital wedding photography, couples can save their pockets by doing away with the wedding studio for the wedding proofs. There was a time when the brides and grooms could do nothing but wait for weeks or even months following the wedding for the films to be developed. But things have changed now as digital wedding photography can bring pictures the very same day without much trouble. The best part about digital wedding photography is that even amateurs can click photographs without having to compromise on the quality of photos. That reminds of the quality of digital pictures. The pictures are simply as good as it gets. You shouldn't be surprised, as many professional photographers have taken to digital operations too. Interestingly, you will come across three types of wedding photography namely photojournalistic wedding photography, traditional wedding photography, and artistic wedding photography. Photojournalistic wedding photography or better known as candid wedding photography is all about documentary style wedding photos. Traditional wedding photography is poised to take only formal photos whereas artistic wedding photographers tend to add a bit of their artistry in their photo shoot. If you are to venture into digital wedding photography then you must follow some of these winning tips. Always make sure that you hold the background into consideration before taking your photos. It is the most commonly made mistake you definitely want to avoid. What amateur photographers tend to do at times is focus on the subject leaving behind the negative space and the surroundings. The best you can do is finding a place where subjects are free from clutter and obstructive backgrounds. Mind you, the glares from spectacles can bring about an intense spot in your photo hence ruin it. All you need is a bit of adjustment without having anyone remove his or her glasses. You can snap some fabulous photos at the reception. This is where the cutting of the cake, the throwing of the wedding bouquet and many other real life moments come into picture. Make sure that all the colorful wedding accents fit into your photos. You should know that digital cameras fabricate colorful photos, so why not chance at the colorful décor of the wedding party. Now, if all of this is not enough then there are scores of good books out there that can teach you to film weddings as it should be. Digital wedding photography with its manifold advantages is all that you need to take you over the edge on your wedding extravaganza.

by: Connie Fillmore

About The Author

Connie Fillmore is a successful writer and publisher of photography related issues, for more informative articles go to

Digital Wedding Photography

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