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Sunday, 13 May 2007

The Business of Digital Photography

Consider digital photography as a career. I am sure you get the picture. Pardon the pun. Anybody who owns a digital camera, not only has the single tool to begin a great hobby, but the potential to start a career or a business.
In Digital Photography there is versatility, and being versatile creates opportunities. Yes people, the opportunity I am talking about is making money with photography.
Now, there have been hundreds of articles written about digital cameras, camera lenses, hardware, camera accessories and all things digital. And with the rapidly advancing digital technology, there is going to be a lot more articles written. Exciting stuff.
So, for anyone with a love for digital photography, along with the desire to start a business, now is the time to do so. As with any business startup, a person should never wait for the opportune time to start one. There is no time like the present, because the opportune time really never comes.
There is currently a widespread use of digital photography equipment, and because of the continued advancement of technology, prices on this equipment are falling. Sounds like a great opportunity to stock up on accessories if you are thinking about a business or seeking employment.
If you are short on ideas where to start a career, try developing contacts by subscribing to photographic newsletters, magazines, perhaps joining a camera club or possibly seeking employment in a photo studio, camera store or even your local newspaper.
Decide on what area or field of photography is your favorite and go from there. A business has a better chance of being successful if you work at what you love.
Maybe you like portrait photography and working with people. Perhaps you have dreamed of owning your own studio and taking pictures of individuals or groups of people, along with the idea of making them comfortable in front of the camera, bringing out the best in them.
The media, magazines and advertising agencies use a commercial and industrial photographer. These photographers take pictures of buildings and landscapes, equipment, machinery, workers, products and company officials. As a result, these pictures are used for publicity or analysis of different projects and records.
Real estate companies employ freelance photographers as well. If you have a digital camera and a computer online, you can set up shop in your own home.
News photographers, or should we say photojournalists, photograph anything or anybody newsworthy, such as sports figures and events, politicians and political events and community news.
The opportunities in digital photography are too numerous to mention in a short article, so you are encouraged to do your homework, pick up some photography magazines to get priceless ideas and research on the Internet.
Another idea would be to talk to a professional, tell him or her of your interests and request some feedback.
As your sources are practically unlimited, there should be nothing holding you back.
Tom Watson.

Tom Watson is the owner of In Digital Photography, a website with tips, information and ideas for starting a photography career. He welcomes you to visit his website at

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